Octave For Mac Os

  1. Octave For Mac Os X
  2. Octave Para Mac Os
  3. Download Octave For Mac Os
  4. Octave Download For Mac
  5. Octave App For Macos
  6. Octave Gui Mac
  1. The Octave Wiki has instructions for installing Octave on macOS systems. Octave is also available in third-party package managers such as Homebrew and MacPorts. Executable versions of Octave for BSD systems are provided by the individual distributions. Both FreeBSD and OpenBSD have Octave packages. These packages are created by volunteers.
  2. Warning: xcodebuild exists but failed to execute Warning: Xcode does not appear to be installed; most ports will likely fail to build. Computing dependencies for octave-general - Dependencies to be installed: octave qscintilla qt4-mac dbus libmng texinfo texlive-basic texlive-bin harfbuzz-icu icu libzzip poppler openjpeg15 poppler-data.
  3. The new GNU Octave 4.0.1 was released March 23, 2016. I would like to find some standard way to install it in El Capitan (mine OS X 10.11.3) because it has significantly better support in some fun.

Download the official Programme Octave app and stay connected to the Octave community all year round.In it, you will find:- All the useful information about the. Enter to Search.



News from Octave Home

Octave For Mac Os

Octave.app from Octave forge on sf.net

    Octave.app is available on GNU Octave Repository - Browse /Octave MacOSX Binary at SourceForge.net. Some functions are not available on Octave.app 3.4.x (imread, imwrite, ...). if you want to use these functions, you can employ octave.app 3.2.3.

    If you have a problem of X11.app on OS X 10.7.3, a solution hint about it is found in README of GNU Octave Repository - Browse /Octave MacOSX Binary/2011-04-21 binary of Octave 3.4.0 at SourceForge.net. Or you can find a solution in '#4386010' of Octave - General - Problem with Octave, Gnuplot, Mac 10.7.3 | Threaded View.

Octave.app 3.8.x

under construction

    Octave.app 3.8 is available on GNU Octave Repository - Browse /Octave MacOSX Binary at SourceForge.net.

Octave.app 3.2.3

    installation of octave.app

    (1) Obtain Octave.app 3.2.3 from Octave Forge - Browse /Octave MacOSX Binary/2009-10-03 binary of Octave 3.2.3 at SourceForge.net.

    (2) Mount disk image of Octave. And, Drag and Drop Octave.app to Applications folder.

    (3) Set octave command. (bash)

    Graph software

    Disk image of gnuplot 4.x is included in Octvae disk image. You can install Gnuplot.app by drag and drop to Applications folder. And set gnuplot command as follows.

    A default command shell for Mac OS X (10.3 or later) is Bash. You use Bash on Terminal.app or X11.app. The following codes (.bash_profile and .bashrc) are examples for setting up files for Bash.

    Octave settings

    a '.bash_profile' at '~/' example

    a '.bashrc' at '~/' example

    a '.octaverc' at '~/' example

    a directory: '~/oct_tools' is located on octave's command search path, when Octave lauches.
    if you employ Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or laters. see notes: NOTES FOR SNOW LEOPARD USERS.


Plotting through Termial.app with bash

    export GNUTERM=x11 (plotting on X11)

    export GNUTERM=aqua (plotting on Aquaterm)

Installation of the latest version octave

There is no public Ocatve.app of the latest version.
See Octave for MacOS X - Octave of Octave.org for installation of the latest version.

Installing Octaveforge packages on Octave.app

Computing far-field coefficient of scattering wave by a disc

# not only mac os x

Octave graphics with gnuplot

# not only mac os x

Octave and Freefem++

# not only mac os x: under construction

Plotting with g_xyz

# not only mac os x: under construction

Octave benchmark: with matrix x matrix product


Graphics by Octave.app (version 3.2.0)


    Octave-Forge - Extra packages for GNU Octave

    Apple Developer Connection: development tools for software on mac os x by apple computer

    MacPorts: a system for installing unix software on mac os x - requied os x 10.3 or later

links: tutorials and texts for octave

Links parallelized octave

    PDC - MPITB and Octave on Blue Gene/L - This is how we installed MPITB and Octave on BlueGene/L

Links of octave applications

    FEM Information and Software by Andreas Stahel, Mathematics BFH-TI Biel

Articles related to octave

Books related to octave

Octave download for mac

    The GNU Octave Manual by John W. Eaton (The manual covers the 3.x release of GNU Octave.)

    MATLABとOctaveによる科学技術計算 著:Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri, Paola Gervasio、 翻訳:加古 孝, 千葉 文浩 / 2014 (in japanese)

Matlab like softwares

    Scilab: matlab like, but not compatible

    Yorick: matlab like, but not compatible

other links

Last update on 23/December/2014


Octave For Mac Os X

Mail to chibaf( if you have some questions or ...)

Octave is a programming language for scientific computing.


You might need homebrew-cask; if you don't have it, refer to this section.


Octave Para Mac Os

Homebrew Octave.app

Octave.app is a project to distribute GNU Octave as a native Mac GUI application, to make it easier to install and use Octave on macOS. Note this is not an official GNU or GNU Octave project.As this distributes a compiled version of Octave, installation will be much faster.

To install using homebrew-cask run:

Download Octave For Mac Os

Homebrew official

You can also install Octave from the official Homebrew source using the method below.


Install octave from core Homebrew (which is available by default):

Note: If brew complains about not having a formula for Octave, the following command should fix it:

The command below upgrades Octave and its dependencies to the latest Homebrew-supported versions:

Octave Download For Mac

Octave has many dependencies which will be downloaded and installed prior to Octave. The entire installation process can take a few hours if you are compiling from source.


Octave App For Macos

Note: On Snow Leopard or earlier, Octave requires an X server. You can download one from the XQuartz project.

You might find that you need to add:

Octave Gui Mac

to your octaverc file, normally located at /usr/local/share/octave/site/m/startup.